candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of geoengineering

The topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “The influence of the variation and correlation of the operating mode parameters of the cleaning combine on the lava load”. Protected in 1988 with the specialty 05.15.02 – underground development of mineral deposits.

Scientific interests:

  1. Basics of the theory of productivity and energy consumption of mobile rock-destructive units.
  2. Processes of technological destruction of rocks during the interaction of translational and rotational deformation fields.
  3. Optimization of parameters of the mode of operation of mobile rock-destructive units.
  4. Thermodynamics of stability of rock slopes under man-made influences.

Scientific and pedagogical activity.

  • From February 12, 1977 to July 24, 1979, he was a senior researcher at the Department of Mining Technology and Mechanization.
  • From July 25, 1979 to November 30, 1990, he was an assistant at the Department of Mining Technology and Mechanization.
  • From 01.11.90 to 07.01.91 – associate professor of the department of technology and mechanization of mining works.
  • From January 8, 1991 to September 28, 1995, he was an associate professor of the renamed Department of Mining Technology and Mechanization to the Department of Geotechnology and Engineering Ecology.
  • From September 29, 1995 to April 24, 2000, he was an associate professor of geotechnology and engineering ecology.
  • From 2000 to 2010, he was the head of the Department of Engineering Ecology.
  • From 2010 to 2020, associate professor of the Department of Engineering Ecology.
  • From 2020 to 2021, the head of the United Department of Geoengineering.
  • From 2021 to the present day, he is an associate professor of the Department of Geoengineering.

Teaches disciplines.

  1. Modeling of processes of engineering ecosystems.
  2. Geomechanics.
  3. Modeling and forecasting of the state of the environment.
  4. Thermodynamics of stability of sides of quarries and dumps.
  5. Mathematical methods of optimization of processes of geoengineering systems.
  6. Technology of lithosphere protection.
  7. Industrial ecology.

Honors, awards, certificates:

  1. Honored teacher of KPI.
  2. Excellence in education of Ukraine

Email:  eldo 435